Bird-of-Prey Low Poly Mask Pattern

Bird-of-Prey Low Poly Mask Pattern


There is now a public Telegram group for sharing your project with other Paleo Panthera mask-makers and getting help on trouble spots.

Click here for the telegram group; a new window will open.

Resources for Tools and Supplies

These masks are for personal use ONLY; you may not use them to sell either as bases or finished masks.

This is a mask pattern for a low-polygon bird of prey(raptors such as hawks, eagles, and ospreys); you will be receiving an 18 page digital download that includes tips, an order-of-operations, a map of the pieces, and 2 different mask sizes (6-7” & 7.5-8.5”) to choose from.. It’s the ultimate in DIY! This is an easier pattern that includes folded pieces and overlapping pieces.

These masks fit very closely to the head and face so if you’re used to a roomier costume try the pattern out in cardstock to get an idea of which size you need or if you need to enlarge the pattern further.

The pattern does NOT include any kind of feather patterns; I cut mine by hand and wasn’t able to record them. If I update the pattern with this previous buyers will be entitled to a copy of any new versions.

You will at bare minimum need cardboard, elastic, hot glue or contact cement, and acrylic paint to complete this mask. Also works with EVA foam. I typically use about two 12”x24” sheets of cardboard for the whole project including any off-pattern customizing.

If you send me pictures of your creations I’ll upload them here for others to see how creative these masks can be!

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