Raven Skull Mask WIP
This is another mask I wish I had taken more progress photos of - the raven skull mask!
I made this one to be as simplified as I possibly could so people would have access to a spooky but pretty straight forward mask pattern that could be made easily and/or quickly. Vision was paramount in this mask and I wore it to the Wild Rumpus parade in excellent visibility and comfort.
The raven skull mask jaw is just a simple fabric hinge (usually a ribbon) with some elastic to pull the jaw back closed. The beta version of the pattern is available now. It’s been years since I drafted the original pattern, but now that I seem to be back on my feet I do intend to draft actual instructions. Anyone who bought this pattern as a beta will be emailed the finished pattern instructions upon release.
This is the earliest sculpt I can find. You can see how huge the eye socket is relative to the human eye.
This sculpt is a bit further along; the jaw is complete and I decided to cut out some material from beneath.
Vision was paramount; these pins represent the human eye's vision line looking straight forward. The beak is still a big object in your vision, but for the most part you see forward with little obstruction through the holes in the nares and have total side vision through the huge open eye sockets.
Vision was paramount; these pins represent the human eye's vision line looking straight forward. You can see the beginning of the fleshed raven mask in this shot.
Showing off the simple jaw hinge. You can see my penciled notes for future instructions.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a good short of your face when your face is like 12 inches long?
One of the few mid-parade shots I was able to get at the Wild Rumpus. Had fun throwing together something simple and fun.